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Disclaimer: Some of us did not want to show our full faces and others of us wished to keep our baby photos to ourselves so we used Baby Benji instead~

Hi, Benji! I'm Jessie/JEM. I have a message for you. Would you like to read it?

Hey hi yo Benji~ I started listening and watching around August! During that time, I was originally watching it for VAV but then I saw you. I realized you were that guy from B.I.G. I listened to Hello when your group first debuted. I really liked the song but never got the chance to actually stan your group like that. I mean I did get into Heedo and Gunmin during The Unit but it wasn't until the summer did I really started stanning you and B.I.G. This summer was the summer I discovered a really precious gem to me! Music Access! I adore your effort into putting on a good show every time for MA. There's so much I want to say to you but, as vast as words may be, they are still very limited in terms of appreciation. You're a great gifter because you gifted me with a group of fun friends to have around: the Potato Clown gang! I still have many things to thank you for. Your support being a big factor of my gratefulness. I don't know what I'd done to have such a blessed group of people as friends and to have you be the reason behind it all.
BAE JAEWOOK! Thank you so much. BENJAMIN BAE! Keep up the good work. We'll continue to support you every day. I'm so blessed to have come across you on Music Access. I CHOOSE YOU, BENJI!! GO!! P.S: I thank you a lot but, you know, we don't mean harm to you. We care much about you, which is why we do the thing we do. Although, it may not be the most conventional, we hope our feelings reach you. You're our support pillar, and as much as we wish to be your support pillar, there's a lot we don't know that goes on behind the scenes. We're not exactly any one important in your life but we hope you know that we're always here for you. You don't have to disclose everything to us. Just know, no matter what, as long as it's justified, we support you. As crazy as we are, we merely want to make you proud because you make us proud every day.

Benji Benji Benji. You nerd. Drooling on live radio like that ahaha! And since when did I become Chia? Or Bel? Geez~ It may only be a few months since I started but you know what, I expected better of you, my guy. [Why is it so hard to roast your ass?] "what is your late thing?" when your mind works so fast, you lose track of what you wanted to say. Benji, slow down a little and collect your thoughts LOL you're going fast and furious. You failed at air drinking... I... how do you fail? It wasn't even that far my guy!!! Also did you know that your voice cracks like you're still going through puberty when you whine? (Not that it's cute... or anything...) IT'S GETTING SO MUCH HARDER TO GET ONTO MESSAGE TIME! BENJIIII DO YOU WATCH ANIME? ARE YOU A WEEB? [P.S Watch Fate/Grand Order, esp Babylonia arc. Very educational and great fight scenes]

Howdy, cowboy. It's ya boi, Liam. Do you want to read a disgusting message?

this is gonna come out wrong, but i feel like i’ve run out of nice things to say to you at this point. i find it extremely difficult to express gratitude/appreciation, especially through words. i’ve always been like that. it might just be the outcome of growing up with social anxiety, i don’t know, but it’s definitely something that has always made me feel a bit uneasy in situations where i’m supposed to be thankful. it’s almost as if i fear good things happening to me. when they do, i feel happy like everyone else, but there’s always this voice at the back of my head telling me i don’t deserve it. however, i’m pretty sure this has been changing lately. i feel like i’ve become way better at showing appreciation for others as well being thankful for what i have rather than focusing on what i don’t have. i’ve realized the importance of understanding what others might want to hear from you, rather than thinking they will just figure it out on their own. people are not mind readers, everyone needs a little bit of confirmation from those who they value every once in a while. you gotta keep on reminding someone you care for them in order for them to start believing it, just one time is not enough.
ANYGAYS, i’m pretty sure this self improvement comes from the practice of me sending you all these kind and supportive messages. not only that, but the advice you keep giving me and others continues to help me become more self aware in the most positive ways.

you seriously gotta consider wearing hats less cuz at this point you’re losing so much hair the lice are starting to picket about deforestation

Wassup Benji! Yo, it's KZ. I got a message for you! Would you like to read it?

Dear Benji, I have been watching you for the past year and each day gets brightened by you. I first noticed you on the IMMIGRATION show they made for Kcon. I never got to go but I remembered that moment. And I started streaming your music. It all led to me joining you on MUSIC ACCESS as KZ on Message time. I love you! :heart_eyes:

Dear Benji, are you emo or something? Every time I see you, you wear black which makes me question things. Is this guy okay? Not saying this to be mean but, why do you hide your hair? It's hair! All people have it! And speaking of your hat, can you decide which way to put it? I've seen you switching it from backward to forward and it kind of drives me nuts! Decide!

벤지 오늘도 안녕! 우지에요, 하고 싶은 말이 있는데 읽어줄래요?

안녕! 벤지~ 이렇게 만나는 건 처음이네요👋🏻 벤지를 생각해주는 멋진 팬분들 덕분에 저도 이런 기회를 가지게 되었어요! 2019년, 벤지를 알게되고 좋아하게 된 걸 정말 큰 행운이라고 생각하고 있어요. 2020년에도 벤지가 하는 모든 일들을 응원하고, 기다려줄테니까 아프지말구 맛있는 것도 많이 먹고💙 매번 표현해주어서 고마워요, 벤지를 얼마나 좋아하는지는 표현하기 어렵지만 사랑해요!💙 이건 확실해요👋🏻 안녕~~

제욱씨 안녕!ㅋㅋ 오늘은 제가 삼행시 준비했어요, 마음속으로 배제욱 운 띄워주세요

배 배제욱씨
제 제욱오빠
욱 사랑해

뭔가 이상한거같다구요? 잘 모르겠네🙂🙂🙂

제욱아! 여기 좀 봐! - Lydia

Hi hi Bbbbbbbbenji! You motivate me to live every day. After realizing how much effort and energy you are putting into every show and stage you are on, I try to spend my time with more enthusiasm. One of my new year's resolutions is to find 10 ways to relieve anger and anxiety. And guess what? You are on the top of my list! Thank you so much for giving me such amazing amusing time every day. I've never seen any entertainer who interacts with his fans or listeners this much. How grateful you are!! That fact moved us and got us to get more involved in your show. Don't forget we are here for you. Thank you, Benji! You made my 2019 shine and I'm looking forward to seeing you more often on various events in 2020. 매일 매일 벤지하게 해줘서 고마워요♡

I expected you to not wear any more crumpled clothes since your parents have moved to Korea, but you still do! Shout out if you need a helper. I can hang your laundry on the hanger when they are still wet and, also, I'm good at making hamburgers and omelets without tomatoes!

Hi there, Benji! This is May and I'm hoping you'd read a message I've written for you. Do you mind?

Benji ~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ as you know im a Biginning since debut days ^_- its been a memorable time watching you all grow as artists over the years, thank you for debuting and sharing your talents with the world :), i hope that whatever happens in the future, you always keep that bright smile of yours, things will surely get you down in the future, we all go through tough times, i know it might not seem like much, but you just being you, inspires other people ^.~ so keep on shining Benji Bae, know you are cherished and talented and if your trying your best you will be good enough in whatever your doing, keep that positive energy through life :) Look forward to tomorrow, and all the blessings it may bring, Happy New Year 2020. always wishing you, your loved ones and all of b.i.g happiness

Benji take our UWUs stop refusing them ~~~★~(◡︿◡✿) :P